Building the capacity of boys and young men of color (BYMOC), mothers & fathers of BYMOC and transit riders to be leaders at all levels in their communities.
T4B's current projects include: Central Avenue, Food Justice, Outdoor Equity & Transit Riders.
T4B’s vision is, “T4B envisions health and health equity for boys and young men of color (BYMOC) as well as their families and communities.” T4B’s mission is “T4B, led by community & love, partners across New Mexico with boys & young men of color (BYMOC) and allies to build power, demand justice & create change.”
T4B participated in the Three Sisters Kitchen Food Business Training Program and came up with the idea for a baking cooperative that would feature a seasonal empanada kit with local ingredients.
T4B participó en el Programa de Capacitación Empresarial de Alimentos de Three Sisters Kitchen y se le ocurrió la idea de una cooperativa de panadería que ofrecería un kit de empanadas de temporada con ingredientes locales.

Order your seasonal empanada kit for just a $20 donation (or $25 with delivery). Kit includes five dough discs and homemade filling of apples and with just the right amount of red chile.
Please note kits do include dairy and eggs. They will be available for pick up on Saturday, November 23 from 1-3pm at Working Classroom, 423 Atlantic SW. Contact Baruch for more info at You will be contacted via email - if you need delivery we will coordinate this with you over email as well.
Pide tu kit de empanadas de temporada por solo una donación de $20 (o $25 con entrega). El kit incluye cinco discos de masa y relleno casero de manzanas y la cantidad justa de chile rojo.
Ten en cuenta que los kits incluyen lácteos y huevos. Estarán disponibles para recoger el sábado 23 de noviembre de 1-3pm en Working Classroom, 423 Atlantic SW. Comunícate con Baruch para obtener más información en