Building the capacity of boys and young men of color (BYMOC), mothers & fathers of BYMOC and transit riders to be leaders at all levels in their communities.
T4B's current projects include: Central Avenue, Food Justice, Outdoor Equity & Transit Riders.
T4B’s vision is, “T4B envisions health and health equity for boys and young men of color (BYMOC) as well as their families and communities.” T4B’s mission is “T4B, led by community & love, partners across New Mexico with boys & young men of color (BYMOC) and allies to build power, demand justice & create change.”
T4B 2024 Summer with the Brothers (SWTB) - COVID Protocol
Why are we still completing a COVID protocol? Because while rates of transmission are decreasing they are still high. We can easily take care of one another and still safely meet in person outdoors and when possible indoors.
¿Por qué seguimos completando un protocolo COVID? Porque si bien las tasas de transmisión están disminuyendo, siguen siendo altas. Podemos cuidarnos unos a otros fácilmente y aun así reunirnos de manera segura en persona al aire libre y, cuando sea posible, en interiores.
For Zoom T4B is reminding participants not to attend if you’re sick or not feeling well. Please communicate with us but do get rest and we deal in you for what you missed.
Para Zoom T4B les recuerda a los participantes que no asistan si están enfermos o no se sienten bien. Comuníquese con nosotros, pero descanse y nos ocuparemos de lo que se perdió.
For in person activities all T4B participants must be vaccinated or have a recent (24-hours before the activity) negative COVID test. Additionally any participants who with contact with anyone with COVID or with COVID symptoms should not participate. And please note for indoor in person activities participants will be required to wear masks that cover their nose and mouth. For outdoor activities all T4B participants are not required to wear masks but should practice physical distancing of six feet or more during the activity.
Para actividades presenciales, todos los participantes de T4B deben estar vacunados o tener una prueba de COVID negativa reciente (24 horas antes de la actividad). Además, cualquier participante que haya tenido contacto con cualquier persona con COVID o con síntomas de COVID no debe participar. Y tenga en cuenta que para las actividades presenciales en interiores, los participantes deberán usar máscaras que cubran la nariz y la boca. Para las actividades al aire libre, no se requiere que todos los participantes de T4B usen máscaras, pero deben practicar una distancia física de seis pies o más durante la actividad.

10-Steps from Tai Ji connects breath and body. Check out how to elevate your practice in this video.

Check out resources with New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) for vaccines and boosters.
Movember Foundation is working to better mens health across the globe. Share how you better the life of those you love.
See New Mexico Out of School Time (NMOST) list of useful resources during COVID-19.